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 Predmet príspevku: What is the licit dissension between platonic and romantic l
PoslaťNapísal: Štv Aug 02, 2012 12:12 am 

Registrovaný: Pia Júl 27, 2012 7:27 pm
Príspevky: 2
Bydlisko: United States
Some people can pick and choose and choose who they will love; they seek a harmony or jimmy choo discount a rewarding experience for both paties. Some people appear that will express agape; they try to love everybody in some way, though that's often extremely hard. Some people are narcissistic; they cannot love anyone up to they love themselves. My love for people has helped me complete life. I can't hate people for some reason. I just wasn't made to hate them I reckon. It helps me complete life letting people know I love them and care. I don't think it is impossible to love everyone somehow. jimmy choo outlet I'm pretty sure I could love everyone in some manner. My dad which offers never been there for him I love him more than previously, because I found released that my mother kept me away from him which I love her at the same time, because she raised us right. She has taken my daughter from me, but I still enjoy her. Okay if you knew everyone in my life you can actually ask me why I love every one of them. for me love came suddenly to begin with when i first discovered her i couldn't assist it then i went as long as say hi and if she saw me the girl lost all train associated with thought and all your lady did was stare from me for what appeared like i dont know quite a while but we decided in order to wait till we got outside high school. this has taught me extra then i can produce. you have no strategy!!!!! If someone says "I love all my friends", or says to the friend "I love you" as well as "Love Ya", is it not the same love as romantic adore when you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend "I love you". I dont think there is a difference, or is there?. Serious answers only pleeez. Well it is similar word, but the meaning with everyone is different, so its like should you say (i really like you, love ya) to someone inside your close family, you don't mean it as being a romantic love, its a combination of many feelings inside you, (trust, secure...) and also towards your friends, you love to fall out with them, spend time with them, share things with them... jimmy choo outlet but still its not necessarily romantic love, its still a mix off feeling very near to love (happiness, joyful feelings...) but when you tell it for your requirements boyfriend or husband, its different, its still a blend but different, you feel (safe, Passion, happiness, trust...) all these makes the saying I LOVE YOU diverse.

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