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PoslaťNapísal: Pon Jún 11, 2012 3:42 am 

Registrovaný: Pon Jún 11, 2012 3:41 am
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Four collections for appearance on scene gives Sergey Heat , stylist and designer of the fashionable cloth. He did show in row moscow and club , for week disgust - but - a port in Ekaterinburg ( since 2002 ) , worked the stylist for network shop SASCH ( Moscow ). The Owner of the prize Diamond button , in 1999 - 2000 main designer of the club D barcader. In 2002 Sergey Heat has founded own . Created the collections for contest Miss Ekaterinburg ( 2003 , 2004 ) and Miss LG .
No on light of the person , who equally well looked at oneself in cloth of any colour. Such people simply does not exist. Depending on tone of your skin , the hair and eye of some colour force your eye to shine , but skin to glow then other you simply wash away . If you will find their own best tone and build on them its cloakroom , you not only will beautifully look each day to you will much easier combine the belongings between itself. By the way , then and accessory you will need less: one and same embellishment , footwear and bags will approach your cloakroom to miscellaneous subject.
All regard!
In conclusion remains only to add that Anna Kohanenko is for present-day day by single official representative to in the south Russia of the worldwide baby contest talent , beauties and friendships - already 6 - y year , worldwide confession were awarded for this time several Southerners , but in 2010 school of the models Elit - a First-nights was recognized best on total 5 - ti years of the functioning within the framework of has Written the addenda to condition of our contest " Girl Summer - 2009 ":
How do I bad , sealskin , - has quietly pronounced she , and was unscrewed to wall. Soon, her(its) breathing became even , and cat has understood that she fell asleep. He nestled by it in leg and too .
Detey it is necessary to bring as early as possible on occupations. To example , I work with at age from 3 h years and senior , they beside I concern with the rhythm , element dance , do the gallops , footbridges , sit on twines , work beside machine and certainly . The Babes of my group execute absolutely alike program on a par with senior group but in smaller amount certainly. It is Necessary gradually to accustom the child to complex choreographic element , many think that 3 - h year babes not what do not understand and can not or do awkwardly , but want to note that children much try and fairly often result can be above , than you expect.
Our master - a class is calculated for five weeks. On sixth we make the a session , invite the photographer. And hereon we create each professional . That itself present the rate? Beside us are conducted , lectures about correct feeding. Us have its stylist , which analyses the cloakroom. There is psychologist. There is , there is hairdresser. This is because come on master - a class absolutely not prepared. They will not die even it is correct to smile. But we teach their work with person , be liberated. The breach of the bearing exists Beside many . We teach it is correct to keep the back and body , graft the certain gait.
So ladylike name for the Centre is chose not by chance: it speaks of beauty and . Nor for who not secret that starry Merilin Monroe carefully keeped a check on itself to on Olympus. Due to as fell into history.
Instead of them woolly coat and charge: designers, what , overtake time and already present the public their own autumn-winter kollekcii-2009. Here, there is that marvel.
Their carry with fur coat , , coat and fur waistcoat. From footwear most often choose or / loafers on high heel or suitable . And that the most interesting , practically always headdress helps the of the city taxi to form on - persisting interesting look. Your attention is offered selection photography guests since Weeks of the Mode in New - Yorke. We Look and take on mark!
If ahead of significant shootings eye ( , appearance on , banquet beside chief and t . d . ) , here unassisted not to dispense. They the secret of destructive power. Beside professional - aiming palette all the manner of colour and structures , on all events of the lifes. Will Take into account all - a tone of the skin , tone combat painter , colour of the uniform , even luminosity of the supposed place of the hunt. Will Work with problem-solving zone so that midge of the nose will not sap.
The Models agency " Cats " possible to meet on cover and u-turn journal: " Petersburg Televik " , " Russian model " , " Secret " , " Marie Claire " , " Officiel "
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